Sunday, February 1, 2015

Finally Feeling Better

I caught the bug that has been going around and it kicked my butt for the past 2 weeks.  I have spent more time in bed sleeping or watching movies than I care to say.  Unusual for me was the fact that I did not feel like creating.  I just had no energy.  I finally grabbed some yarn and knitting needles and gave kitting another try.  I did a little bit here and a little bit there.  Felt better.  Made some knitted flowers, some stitch samples and tossed several "failures".  Then, I worked on my Facebook page, making it my "artist" page.  Then I added banners to my Etsy shop, my YouTube page and my Flickr page.  Ah, good to be back.


Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Sorry you've been ill, Marlene :( I've been battling a flu the past week, which I blame on finally rejoining the "human race" ie. going back to local activities and getting slugged by the viruses in the process. The online world is so much safer for my health LOL. Hope you're soon back to creating at full gallop :)

Barbara said...

So glad you are doing better, Marlene! You might think your creativity took a long nap, but it sounds as if you couldn't keep it down for long. Tweaking things on Facebook, Etsy, YouTube, Flicker, etc. all take thought and creativity. You put your down time to good use!